Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Grand Canyon Part Deux

Our first stop after flying in to Arizona was the Grand Canyon. That's a Native American name for "Watch your step; that first one is a doozy."

On the first day in we decided to hike down into the Canyon. We had hiked as far as Ohh Ahh Point on our last trip, so we wanted to go further this time. We made it to Cedar Ridge which is the furthest the park service advises hiking on a summer day hike. The trip is 3 miles, but if feels like its about 10 on the way up.

Things we learned. Take all your pictures on the way down, because on the way up you won't want to have video evidence of your appearance, and you won't be able to appreciate the views because of the lack of oxygen in your body. It is a tough hike. We met some young guys on our way down (at 9:30 A.M.) who had hiked down the day before and were on their way up,  They looked like they were going to die. These were young, healthy, athletic looking people and they looked really bad, so a rim to rim or down and back hike is NOT recommended for the faint of heart.

Having said that, Peyton is determined that we will hike to the floor on our next trip. Lord help us.

See, this is me on the way down when I could still act cute,

Eli was pretty much born to be an explorer.

 This is from an early part of the downhill trial. you can see some people on it to give you perspective,

Again, me thinking I am funny.

This is Peyton and Eli at Ohh Ahh Point, about half way to Cedar Ridge.

Proof that we did indeed make it as far as Cedar Ridge.

This was one of the best views because it was almost at the top on the way back up. We had made it!

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